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Active Shooter/Active Assailant Rescue Taskforce Training

The Rescue Task Force (RTF) concept is a proven model that integrates trained medical responders with law enforcement force protection into potentially hostile situations to provide rapid treatment and extraction of the injured. Numerous agencies have adopted and endorsed the RTF concept. These agencies include the Department of Homeland Security, the International Association of Police Chiefs, the International Association of Fire Chiefs, the National Fire Protection Association, the International Association of Fire Fighters, and the Hartford Consensus.

This course is firmly grounded in more than 15,000 hours of active shooter research and more than 75 large-scale active shooter exercises. Threat Suppression staff have provided RTF training to more than 60,000 first responders around the world. Threat Suppression staff also led the creation of one of the largest RTF training programs in one of the United States top-20 largest cities. This RTF training program trained more than 3,500 police, fire, and EMS responders.

This course is an eight-hour, multiagency course that will explore various methods to deploy Rescue Task Forces in any event where force protection is deemed necessary. The first four hours of this course will be lecture. During this time the students will explore the historical perspective of active shooter events to learn factual information about the potential for hostile action against responders. Participants will also learn the roles and responsibilities of the formal RTF as well as the ad hoc RTF. Participants will learn about the tactics for RTF movement, patient evaluation/treatment, and patient extraction.

After the lecture, students will move to an offsite location to conduct various functional exercises learning about movement, casualty collection point use, and high-threat extraction techniques. This course will give students a better understanding of the RTF and how it can fit into their agency’s plans.


This class is for active public safety members only. This class is not available to the general public.


If you would like more information on booking this course, please email, or call 1-800-231-9106.


Contact Information
Phone: 800.231.9106

Corporate Headquarters
Odell Tower, 16th Floor

525 North Tryon Street, Suite 1600

Charlotte, NC 28202 (USA)

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