Educational Institutions

Threat Suppression has a long history of providing specialized training, ranging from pre-kindergarten to institutions of higher education. Our staff are recognized as leaders in school safety and security by the Department of Homeland Security, the Department of Justice, the Department of Education, and the Department of Defense. Nearly 95% of our school contracts were sole-source/no-bid awards because of the unique capabilities that our company provides.
Our staff consists of veteran law enforcement officers, university professors, career fire service officers, paramedics, physicians, intelligence analysts, and school safety experts. We have provided consulting and training for Duke University, the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, the University of Michigan at Ann Arbor, the University of Virginia, and many others. We have provided consulting and training for major school districts and non-standard educational institutions, such as major YMCA organizations consisting of 40 branches, private schools, and charter schools. In addition, we have provided school safety and security training to the U.S. Department of Education, the U.S. District Attorney's Office, and the U.S. Department of Justice.
Our staff bring a wealth of experience to the company. One of our employees was the Director of Emergency Services for the nation’s third largest community college system, with multiple campuses, thousands of employees, and hundreds of thousands of students. He served as the Director of Emergency Management for the nation's second largest private university. Another of our employees served as the President of the International Association of Campus Law Enforcement Administrators. His position as President began shortly after the 2007 Virginia Tech shooting. As President, he led several high-level initiatives to increase campus safety and security throughout the world. Another employee served as the Director of Campus Safety for the nation’s fifth largest community college system, with 10 campuses serving 40,000 students annually.
We have provided site security analyses for multiple school districts, colleges, and universities. Our security analyses have uncovered numerous critical life-threatening faults within the systems. Our security analysis has also helped educational systems prioritize safety and security projects. In addition, our security analysis has helped multiple educational systems obtain additional funding for school safety and security.
Threat Suppression has updated existing emergency operation plans, and created comprehensive safety and security protocols that are compliant with county, state, and federal academic laws and regulations. We have worked with multiple institutions of institutions of higher education to provide comprehensive review and creation of key safety and security procedures. In addition, our staff have provided executive leadership and general staff training on the new procedures.
Threat Suppression is recognized as an international leader in PK-12 schools and institutions of higher education safety and security consulting because of the extensive research we have conducted, the “real world” experience of our staff, and the dynamic speaking ability of our presenters. Our school active shooter training has been credited with preventing five school shootings events and helping to successfully mitigate two school shooting events. In the last two years alone, we have trained more than 60,000 public safety providers, PK-12 schools, and institutions of higher education staff on active shooter response.
We have also provided individual crisis response management for several school districts that have experienced a major event. Our staff are able to respond on-site within hours and provide guidance and support for the duration of the recovery operations. We are also one of the only companies in the United States that provides training for school bus drivers on critical event response, including hostile perpetrators on the bus and hostile perpetrators that attempt to board a bus.
Below outlines some of our most requested school security services:
School administrator response training for active shooter events
School security assessment and analysis
Revision and/or creation of school emergency operating procedures
Active Shooter Capable Guardian: Instruct, Evacuate, Shelter, Defend
School staff training on emergency response
Active shooter exercises for school staff
Creation of emergency action quick reference guidebooks
Individual consultation on potential student/staff perpetrators (both for schools and law enforcement)
School recovery and continuity operations following a major crisis event
School bus driver training for hostile events
School security training videos
Convocation keynote lectures for university staff
All of our services are very competitively priced. We do not use a “cookie cutter” approach to school safety and security. We recognize that each school presents unique challenges. To obtain more information about our services, please call 1-800-231-9106 or email