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Critical Infrastructure

Threat Suppression provides multiple services for critical infrastructure. Critical infrastructure includes both government agencies and private businesses that provide critical services to a community. Threat Suppression has provided consulting and training for a variety of critical infrastructures, including nuclear power facilities, banks, hospitals, public utilities, stadiums, transportation hubs (airports, train stations, bus depots), and much more. Our services range from site security analysis to creation of comprehensive emergency operations manuals.

Critical infrastructure facilities are vulnerable to terrorist attack, criminal acts, and natural disasters. Many critical infrastructure facilities and operations are typically designed with redundancies. Our staff are trained to identify areas of operations that lack redundancies and are especially vulnerable to disruption. Utilizing the proven Boolean method of and/or/nor logic gates, our staff work to recognize significant weaknesses both in facilities and operations.

Threat Suppression staff provide a very unique perspective on safety and security. Many of our staff are trained in law enforcement/military, fire suppression/prevention, emergency medical services, and emergency management. This unique background allows our staff to view the facility from multiple avenues. This multi-faceted perspective provides clients with the most comprehensive type of analysis available. Very few firms can provide the unique blend of strategic, technical, and operational subject matter experts.

At Threat Suppression we have assisted numerous agencies with critical infrastructure protection. Our staff have assisted the Department of Homeland Security’s Protective Security Advisers with individual consultation at critical infrastructure locations. Below outlines some of our frequently requested services:

Site Security Assessment

Threat Suppression staff have performed numerous safety and security assessments for a variety of institutions, including hospitals, universities, government buildings, and critical infrastructure facilities. Our detailed physical security assessments provide a comprehensive examination across the safety and security spectrum. Examples of items that Threat Suppression staff examines include the following:

  • Crime Prevention Through Environmental Design (CPTED)​

  • Fire prevention

  • Emergency medical equipment

  • Traffic calming

  • Security cameras

  • Security lighting

  • Key access control

  • Mass notification systems

  • Hazardous material storage

  • Employee and contractor identification

  • Employee background checks

  • Information technology security

  • Critical utility system protection

  • Areas of refuge/safe havens

  • Electronic security systems

  • Perimeter intrusion detection systems

  • Radio frequency identification systems


Following completion of each facility assessment, Threat Suppression staff will provide a detailed, written assessment of each facility. This assessment is divided into two sections, (1) observations, and (2) recommendations. The recommendation section is further divided into three sections, (1) no-cost/low cost recommendations under $1,000.00, (2) recommendations $1,000.00-$10,000.00, and (3), recommendations more than $10,000.00. Our staff focuses on making the majority of recommendations in the no-cost/low-cost section.


Creation and/or Review of Safety and Security Plans, Policies, and Procedures

​Threat Suppression has assisted numerous clients with modifying and creating security protocol and procedures. We often find that many corporate security protocols are written with good intentions, but limited knowledge of the hazard. We have conducted numerous reviews of corporate safety and security plans, and typically find that 60% of the plans actually increase the threat of loss of life and/or property.  

Our personnel focus on three fundamentals when preparing these documents. First, we know that some of these events are critically life-threatening, and that the policies must provide information that is simple to understand and easy to implement during events of extreme duress. Second, we know that cookie-cutter policies for these events are simple, but useless during an emergency. We create policies that account for the uniqueness of the client and the personnel that will use the policies. Last, with our extensive real-world experience in public safety, we create plans and procedures that complement the public safety response. 


Development of Safety and Security Training Sessions

Threat Suppression staff are experts in the following: (1) mass employee training, (2) tabletop discussion, (3) walk-through simulations, and (4) full-scale exercises. Our scholastic, research approach to solving complex problems has garnered the attention of numerous federal agencies and multiple local/state agencies. Major conferences have featured Threat Suppression member’s keynoting on violence in the workplace, verbal de-escalation techniques, conflict resolution, and more.


Tabletop Exercises

Threat Suppression is a recognized leader in creating unique tabletop exercises that test client’s emergency response procedures. Our exercises provide a very unique approach to problem-solving. Our staff typically performs a site visit taking pictures of the tabletop exercise location. During the exercise, participants see those pictures again, often with Photoshop™ added problems.

Participants of Threat Suppression’s tabletop exercises have stated, “This was the most realistic emergency scenario we ever faced; we were definitely in problem-solving mode.” Another client stated, “For the past 20 years we have had safety and security firms provide consulting. Your tabletop exercise gave us real world problems that showed us areas that we needed to immediately improve. None of the other firms identified these real-life problems.”

If you would like more information on these services, or other critical infrastructure services at Threat Suppression, please email or call 1-800-231-9106.

Contact Information
Phone: 800.231.9106

Corporate Headquarters
Odell Tower, 16th Floor

525 North Tryon Street, Suite 1600

Charlotte, NC 28202 (USA)

Detroit Office
Renaissance Center, 26th Floor

400 Renaissance Center Suite 2600

Detroit, MI 48243 (USA)

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