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Asymmetric Counter-Assault Terrorism Training (ACATT)™

Asymmetric warfare is utilizing tactics that focus on ambush instead of combat, infiltration instead of aggression, and victory without directly engaging a more powerful opponent. The focus of asymmetric warfare is when a disadvantaged opponent exploits an adversary’s weaknesses. Active shooter perpetrators have increasing utilized asymmetric attack tactics to increase body count, slow law enforcement response, or kill responding public safety members.

Asymmetric perpetrators are not bound by moral guidelines or rules of combat. Asymmetric combat can be traced back thousands of years and was often used by smaller, weaker armies to combat larger, stronger armies using conventional tactics. Asymmetric combat is often quoted in the book titled “Sun Tzu the Art of War” written 6th Century B.C., which is required reading at most top military academies around the world. Since September 11, 2001 there have been a growing number of asymmetric attacks carried out in the United States and around the world. Perpetrators use asymmetric attacks to cause multiple casualties, create chaos, and to instill fear and panic in the public. 

Local law enforcement, fire departments, and EMS agencies will be the first arriving responders to this type of attack. Most agencies are ill-equipped and under-prepared. These agencies lack the training and equipment facing todays’ most significant public safety threat.

The ACATT course is designed to train first responders on asymmetric history, perpetrator tactics, and counter assault techniques. The course will explore counter-assault tactics to neutralize asymmetric attack tactics. These counter-assault tactics range from the patrol officer level to the advanced SWAT operator level. Perpetrators are thinking asymmetrically, and now responding officers must think asymmetrically as well to counter the threat. The course will breakdown asymmetric tactics like used in the 2002 Dubrovka Theater attack in Moscow, the 2004 Beslan school attack, the 2008 Mumbai attacks, the 2012 Aurora Theater attack, the 2014 Forsyth, Georgia courthouse attack, the 2016 Nice, France attack, and the 2017 Paris, France terror attacks.


The ACATT course was developed by real world military and public safety professionals with hundreds of years of combined experience. In this powerful and fast-paced presentation, the presenter will explore the history of asymmetric attacks at active shooter events. Examples of these tactics include fire-as-a-weapon, vehicle-as-a-weapon, explosives, denial of entry, chemical and smoke munitions, extensive pre-attack intelligence gathering, and mobile perpetrators. Historical examples of each type of tactic utilization are discussed with case studies. Numerous law enforcement studies have found that perpetrators are increasing utilizing asymmetric tactics and most law enforcement agencies are not prepared to quickly mitigate these tactics. 


Last, the presenter will explore counter-assault tactics to neutralize each of these asymmetric attack tactics. These counter-assault tactics range from the patrol officer level to the advanced SWAT operator level. Perpetrators are thinking asymmetrically and now responding officers must think asymmetrically to counter these new tactics.

This class is for active law enforcement and military law enforcement only. This class is not available to the general public. To download a copy of the course description, please click here


If you would like more information on booking this course, please email, or call 1-800-231-9106.


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